Sahyr Sayed is a visual artist based in Lahore; she graduated from the National College of Arts in 2012. Trained as a miniature painter, Sahyr constructs her doll-house inspired pieces to explore the idea of a perfect home. The miniature scale and sensibility lends itself effectively to create a space that is both invented and nostalgic. In her recent works she uses images of women coming from a rather broken chain of context and perforates the surface of images with a needle emphasizing the already misplaced identity of the female. Sayed attempts to reclaim femine identity and space through the ritualistic process carried out by the needle. She has exhibited regularly in Pakistan and India. Sahyr has taught at her Alma mater and also teaches and designs courses for the international Baccalaureate, visual arts programme. She is currently working as an Art Curriculum Consultant for the Malala fund.